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June 29, 2023   WFP China COE
Webinar on Smallholders' Market Access in Peru

Country Project;Smallholders' Market Access;Peru;SSTC;E-commerce



During 2021 and 2022, through the second phase of the Triangular South-South Cooperation (SSTC) project, the World Food Programme in Peru (WFP) produced a policy document that identified the most important barriers for small farmers to access to public markets. Based on this and the national public purchases law implementation process, WFP has supported small farmers in three provinces of the Ayacucho region. This has included technical assistance and training to strengthen fresh food value chains. This work has implied an active promotion of the processes of associativity and food security as key facilitators to improve the connection with public and private markets.

In 2020, Ayacucho was the second poorest region in Peru (46.4 %) and the third most extremely poor (12.7 percent).. There are 93 thousand producers whose production is focused on fresh foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains and tubers.

In this context, for the third phase of the SSTC project, WFP Peru in coordination with the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS) and the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (MIDAGRI) in alliance with FAO and IFAD, proposes to continue strengthening the capacities of small farmers in associativity and e-commerce solutions to move forward with the implementation of the public purchases law.

The project´s implementation plan contemplates a webinar on July 4th and a workshop on July 6th, with officials from the National Government and Regional Government of Ayacucho. This session considers a mixed methodology (face-to-face and virtual), with the participation of experts and government officials from the People's Republic of China, WFP China Center of Excellence, and specialists on the subject from the Peruvian government from the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, Ministry of Development and Inclusion Social, Agrorural, SENASA, among others.


· Strengthen the capacities of Peruvian Government officials in electronic commerce innovative models and associativity based on the exchange of knowledge and experiences of the People's Republic of China.


· Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (MIDAGRI)

· Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS)

· Regional Government of Ayacucho (Regional Agrarian Directorate)

· FONCODES (MIDIS´ social programme: Cooperation Fund for Social Development)

· National School Feeding Programme Qali Warma

· Agrorural (MIDAGRI´ programme: Rural Agrarian Productive Development Programme)

· SENASA (MIDAGRI´ programme: National Agrarian Health Service)

· Agroideas (MIDAGRI´ programme: Compensation Programme for Competitiveness)

· United Nations System (WFP, FAO, IFAD)

· Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China (MARA)

· WFP China Centre of Excellence for Rural Transformation (WFP China COE)




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