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December 20, 2017   WFP China COE
2017 South-South Cooperation Needs Analysis Report

SSC,Needs Analysis,Report

On 11-12 May 2017, a Symposium on Demand-Driven South-South Cooperation (SSC) convened in Beijing, China. The Symposium was co-organized by WFP Policy and Programme Division (OSZ) and WFP China Office with support from Ministry of Agriculture of China. The objective was to translate WFP’s strategic vision of brokering SSC into practical endeavors through matching country-led demands with China’s applicable solutions and facilitating SSC to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular, SDG 2. Over 120 participants from WFP headquarters, 3 WFP Regional Bureaus, 25 WFP Country Offices, as well as Chinese government institutions, research and academic institutes and private sector, and UN agencies, participated this two-day event. 
