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April 18, 2019   WFP China COE
Study Tour for Rural Value Chain Development

Technical Training;Youth Leadership Program;South-South Cooperation

During 18 to 20 April 2019, a training workshop for youth leadership program in agriculture was held in Mengla County, Yunnan Province. 36 participants from 7 countries including Cambodia, Timor- Leste, Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya, Zimbabwe participated the event.

As the second edition of capacity building program under "Youth4South" program by UNOSSC and themed as "Managing Rural Transformation", the workshop is aimed at enhancing the young professionals' capacity on managing new trends and addressing development challenges of rural transformation through learning and sharing good practices among China and other Asian countries. Dr. Qu Sixi  addressed the opening at Session 2 under the same theme by elaborating WFP's mandate and WFP China Centre of Excellence's priorities in South-South Cooperation, calling for more joint efforts through co-organized programs to support rural youth leadership and entrepreneurship fostering by involving more diversified partnership.