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November 17, 2021   WFP China COE
Promoting the Participation of Smallholder Farmers in Public Food Procurement in Order to Improve the Nutrition of School Age Children

Country Projects;Smallholder Farmers;SSTC Project;Nutrition

Promoting the Participation of Smallholder Farmers in Public Food Procurement in Order to Improve the Nutrition of School Age Children in Peru. For Phase Two of the in-country project, the Peru CO promoted the participation of smallholder farmers in public food procurement to improve the nutrition of school age children. The project contributed to the national public policy that regulates smallholder farmers' inclusion in institutional public markets in Peru.

For next year, the new phase of SSTC project will include a field-level activity in Ayacucho focusingon fresh food value chain development in Huamanga and Huanta (Ayacucho), highlighting associativity and food safety process to improve the connection with public and private markets. WFP China COE will loop in Chinese experts to equip local smallholder farmers with relevant knowledge and share with them vetted solutions from China.