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July 18, 2022  WFP China COE  

South-South Cooperation Dialogue: Supporting the Rice Value Chain Through China-Africa Exchanges

Case Study;Rice Value Chain;South-South Cooperation;Côte d'Ivoire;Rural Transformation

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As the third largest rice producer in West Africa, Côte d'Ivoire has made remarkable progress in rice production, from around 2 million tons in 2010 to almost 3.5 million tons in 2017. Despite its progress in rice production, Côte d'Ivoire still relies heavily on importation to satisfy its growing domestic consumption. National rice production is below 50% of its demand over the last three decades in spite of different policies fostering the rice sector.

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This south-south initiative aims to further develop the rice value chain in northern Côte d’Ivoire. Through exchanges with Chinese experts and introduction of Chinese equipment, such as threshers and tractors, local stakeholders benefit from the Chinese experience at policy, technical and technological levels to strengthen their relevant capacity.

To address the  challenges above, the China Africa Rice Value Chain Development Initiative, implemented by the Word Food Programme Centre of Excellence for Rural Transformation (WFP China COE) and Regional Centre of Excellence against Hunger and Malnutrition (CERFAM), with the support of stakeholders from China and Côte d'Ivoire, aims to facilitate South-South knowledge sharing, mutual-learning, as well as technology and expertise transfer to foster rice value chain development between African countries and China.

Prior to the start of the project, two missions were conducted to better understand the need of target groups and identify expertise needed for the exchange. In June 2020, CERFAM visited a demonstration site, which was created by a group of Chinese experts in 1995. During the visit, the Chinese experts presented their technical assistance and training in seed production, rice production and irrigation in Southern Côte d’Ivoire. Another mission took place in northern Côte d’Ivoire, allowing CERFAM to visit local communities and the implementing NGOs, and to conduct basic need assessment in rice production and postharvest management in the North of Côte d'Ivoire.

To kick off the collaboration, a multi-stakeholder dialogue was organized in June 2021 with representatives from the UNOSSC, WFP Centre of Excellence for Rural Transformation, CERFAM, explained what China could offer to Côte d’Ivoire in terms of support to her rice value chain development.

In November 2022, a joint mission from Africa Rice Center, CERFAM and the Ivorian Agency for the Development of Rice Sector conducted a need assessment, identifying the gaps and needs of the local rice producers in the north of Côte d’Ivoire. An on-site training on post-harvest management was then provided to the local stakeholders, including government authorities, local NGOs and local communities, to reduce rice losses after harvest.

To better mechanize rice production and processing in the North of Côte d’Ivoire, a few Chinese equipment was procured under the project funding at community levels. A four-day virtual training was then organized by Chinese experts to explain the application of the equipment as well as the relevant techniques on rice threshing and processing. After each class, the participants could raise further questions regarding the techniques and technologies mentioned in the training. According to the survey after the training, the training was rated 7.8 out of 10 on average in terms of satisfaction. Most of the participants stated that the acquired techniques and knowledge could be applied in their work in the North of Côte d’Ivoire. They also expressed an interest in further learning in some aspects from China, such as processing, production and harvesting. The approach “train-the-trainers” ensures that the techniques and knowledge acquired by the participants, especially the local NGOs and local authorities, will be further disseminated at community level. At the first phase of the project, a total of 614 local smallholders and their households benefited directly and indirectly from the technological transfer from the field demonstration and technical trainings.

China-Africa Rice Value Chain Development Synergy, a regular dialogue mechanism was also launched in April 2022 to promote knowledge and technical exchange between stakeholders from Africa and China. The objectives of the dialogue mechanism are to 1) share rice-related organizational engagements in China and Africa, 2) exchange on experiences and lessons learned in rice value chain development, 3) identify opportunities in Sino-African collaboration on rice value chain development at technical and policy levels and 4) forge partnership between China and African countries in knowledge exchange and capacity strengthening. The first exchange was in April 2022 with the participation of more than 80 experts from governments and research institutions.

The design and implementation of this initiative focuses on the two key criteria of good practice.

1) Partnership & multi-sectorality and 2) Innovation. By implementing an integrated approach with different partners (Government, research institutions and local NGOs), the capacities at local and national levels are strengthened through project activities. The introduction of new Chinese equipment and techniques could provide alternatives to local stakeholders for rice production, processing and post-harvest management.

Leveraging China’s knowledge and experience in rice value chain development under South-South Cooperation has contributed to strengthen the resilience of sustainable food systems in Côte d'Ivoire. As the neighboring countries are facing similar challenges in rice production and post-harvest management, this practice could be replicated to develop their rice value chain. It is planned to scale up the initiative in Côte d’Ivoire and replicate in Guinea for a greater impact on the rice value chain development in West Africa.  


Supporting the Rice Value Chain Through China-Africa Exchanges


Supporting the Rice Value Chain Through China-Africa Exchanges


Case Study