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January 4, 2023  WFP China COE  

“Long Quan Nong Shi” Brand Improves Promotional Effects: Longquan County, Zhejiang Province

Longquan County;Agro-produce;Case Study;Brand

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“Long Quan Nong Shi” is a brand for tea, vegetables and fungus in Longquan County, Zhejiang Province, and also the secret to the county’s success in selling its agro-produce to the whole country. The brand follows the famous agrotechnician Ji Dawei in the Tang dynasty, a native of Longquan County. Through brand culture and image design, stories about agro-produce in Longquan are shared through mass media channels to form consistent unified brand features and foster a unified brand culture. Growers can apply for licensing in order to benefit from the marketing effects and brand premium. Currently, there are 12 varieties of agro-produce under this brand, being adopted by 11 agro-businesses through licensing. The effects of brand empowerment have come into play. Thanks to the brand value added and supply chain service, shitake, a featured product, gains a brand premium of 25%.

Excerpt from: Sci-Tech Empowering Rural Transformation Report 2022: Digital Technology Empowers Agricultural Value Chain Development


“Long Quan Nong Shi” Brand Improves Promotional Effects


“Long Quan Nong Shi” Brand Improves Promotional Effects


Case Study