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May 24, 2023   WFP China COE
Highlight Video: South-South Cooperation Knowledge Sharing Forum

Policy Support;South-South Cooperation;Knowledge Sharing;Digital Partnership;Information Exchange;Rural Transformation;WFP China COE;Video

On May 15, 2023, the South-South Cooperation Knowledge Sharing Forum was held at the UN Compound in Beijing. Taking the opportunity of the first anniversary of the WFP-China South-South Cooperation Knowledge Sharing Platform, the WFP discussed outcomes associated with the site that have been achieved thus far and relevant future plans, as well as proposed the Joint Initiative on Knowledge Sharing Partnership for South-South Cooperation in collaboration with key partners with the goal of fostering and strengthening SSC-oriented information exchange, technology transfer, capacity building and collaboration. 

Nearly 100 representatives from government departments, embassies in China, research institutes and think tanks, NGOs and other international organizations, the private sector, and the media from 18 countries attended in person or online. The event was hosted by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and China International Communications Group (CICG) and co-organized by the WFP Centre of Excellence for Rural Transformation (WFP China COE) and CICG subsidiary China Internet Information Center (CIIC).